
About Me

      My name is Connor, and I go to Golf Middle School. I like lacrosse, Music, and Guitar. I recently joined a new Lacrosse program and I am training with a pro. My favorite color is blue, I'm 14, and I'm more of a Coke person. I also like hanging out with my family and watching my little brothers. 


  1. wow so interesting omg

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  3. Hi Connor, I am Antonio but everyone calls me tony and I had read information on you and seen you seem like a cool guy and I like Coke but can't really drink it and I would like to know more and learn how to do lacrosse because I don't know what it is or how to play it and if you talk more wig me I can tell you about my fun life and I seen you have brothers well to be honest I have 5 sisters and let me tell you it is a train wreck for me but I am happy that I have them.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. oh my name is Coner too.
