
Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Alien Fitting In

    The Alien I made and drew in science class is pretty ugly and would have a hard time fitting in if it were real. It has deformities in almost every part. No one would want to be friends with it and would avoid it. It would be impossible for it to hide all the deformities and flaws due to how many there are. They're on it's face, head, hands, feet, legs, stomach, and above it's head.  The only people who would hang out with it would be other Aliens that people drew in science. Fortunately, we all drew one.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Family Cooking Specialty

     My family food specialty is something my mom makes called Banana Bread. It's not remotely like what it sounds like. It's really good actually, it's bread that has a little taste of banana in it, and it has a lot of chocolate chips in it. When I was younger, my mom and I would make it together pretty frequently, and then  we would eat it afterwards. After the actual piece of bread is made with the chocolate chips in it, my mom pours icing all over it, then she puts some powdered sugar on it. Everyone who has tried it likes it, so this is my family cooking specialty.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hand Shake Assignment

In class yesterday, we did a quick, fun assignment. We were shaking hands with our teacher, Mrs. Joyner, and she was evaluating our handshakes with certain descriptions like: emo, royalty, gangster, etc. It was all to show us how to shake hands the right way, for an assignment we are going to do in the future. We are going to read biographies on certain people in the past, and pretend to be them trying to get a job. At the beginning of our "Interview", we have to shake hands.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

October Sky

        Recently in class, we watched a movie called "October Sky". It's about a boy who lives in a town named Coalwood, which is a very poor town, and everyone in the town works for the big coal mine. It takes place during the cold war with Russia, right when they launch the first satellite called, the "Sputnik". As the children grow up, they think that the only way they are going to college is by getting a Football Scholarship. The main character, Homer, is determined to do something otherwise. He wants to build the first American space rocket, as he was inspired by the Russian Sputnik. I personally enjoyed the movie, watching Homer and the "Rocket Boys" taking many attempts to get a model rocket to fly. That may sound very easy now, but back then it could get you very far in life. I would say more, but that would give major spoilers. I recommend watching this movie when you have time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I will do more in 2016

        In 2015, I was always doing things by myself. I would always leave the house and listen to music, play on my computer, and do homework on my own. So in 2016, I will try to spend more time with my family. My parents are growing more and more upset each week whenever I want to do my things or I have a lot of homework. My mom loves things like winter break because we have all day to be around each other and do things as a family. I personally don't like being around some of my family, but I will deal with it and spend more time with them.  That's my 2016 new year's resolution.