
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I will do more in 2016

        In 2015, I was always doing things by myself. I would always leave the house and listen to music, play on my computer, and do homework on my own. So in 2016, I will try to spend more time with my family. My parents are growing more and more upset each week whenever I want to do my things or I have a lot of homework. My mom loves things like winter break because we have all day to be around each other and do things as a family. I personally don't like being around some of my family, but I will deal with it and spend more time with them.  That's my 2016 new year's resolution.

1 comment:

  1. Connor, I know how you feel because I have five sisters and they all try to annoy me but I have to go with the flow and just appreciate with I have to do but really I like to do things with my family because when I am with them I experience with them too.
