
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation Speech

Connor K

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot”      
-Michael Althsuler

For those who remember, do you remember how big this school felt when you arrived in 5th grade? Remember how little you felt in a new, big world, where you were going to be for the next four years? I do, and at the time, I thought eighth grade was like how I think of high school now. But now I’m here, and eighth grade doesn’t seem so big anymore. Now high school is big, and it’s coming to me faster than I ever imagined.

It felt like just yesterday when I walked into Golf for orientation, when we sat down in our new classroom for the first time, thinking about how grown up we were, being in middle school. The year went by so fast, it wasn’t until 6th grade that I noticed how much 5th grade was like elementary school.

Then, when I walked into school a year later, I felt like time was in fast forward. I felt like I just got into 5th grade the other day, but now I was in 6th. I have so many memories of 6th grade, the fundraiser, Medieval Times, the paper crane folding (I folded bags full), scientist of the year, 3D explorer posters, and many more! I loved 6th grade. There was always something going on to keep us excited. But then, the end of the year picnic came, and the year was over.

I worked at a summer camp over the summer, that was only for eight weeks though, and sure enough, it was over as soon as I started.

I had heard a lot about 7th and 8th grade, and on the first day of school in 7th grade, I was super excited. I was going to meet most of the teachers that I would graduate with, and be taught by them for 2 years. Here’s a brief description of all of their classes/a word of thanks.

The only teacher I had in 7th grade that I don’t have anymore is Mr. Gilman. I loved his classes, even though English and Literature were never really my forte. We were always doing new things, from the books we read to the projects we worked on. His class actually made me enjoy essays.
But skipping up to eighth grade, my first class of the day was Spanish, I was really excited for it. For the first few days, Mrs. Conejo seemed really different. I had never seen a teacher like her before, so enthusiastic with her teaching to the point of singing and jumping around the room. I got used to it eventually. The way she chose to teach kept us paying attention and helped us memorize spanish rules way easier. She would always yell chants for the rules, which play in our minds whenever thought about. I usually understood the spanish in questions and games, but I could never bring myself to answer well, thanks to my massive amount of social anxiety. But, that didn’t stop me from picking up the knowledge needed.

Then came my back-to-back Joyner periods, Literature and English. Before even meeting her, or seeing her, I had heard from a lot of people that she was an amazing teacher. Her classes are great and really fun. We’ve learned a lot from her and remembered it easily. And most importantly, Mrs. Joyner cares a lot about her students. She is obviously not one of those teachers there just for the paycheck, she always tries to teach things in creative and fun ways.

After that came history, with Mr. Carris. Mr. Carris is an amazing teacher. He always tells us things in the most interesting ways, makes us all laugh daily, and he really cares about us. I have always loved history, I always got A’s and was always super interested in what we were being taught.

Then came science, with Mrs. Maldonado. Mrs. Maldonado always had something interesting for us to do, anything between the lines of cooking popcorn over the bunsen burners to frequently watching videos and movies on the subject that we were currently learning about.

And finally, math, with Mr. Carro. Mr. Carro was always super into what he’s teaching us. He is also known to give us some random facts in the middle of a lesson, and sometimes sit down and argue with us about it. One of the topics was whether white was a color or not, that one took up almost the whole period. Mr. Carro is also the complete opposite of Mrs. Conejo, which makes the fact that their classrooms are right next to each other ironic. He’ll be in the middle of a lesson and we’ll hear Mrs. Conejo singing/screaming through the wall, and we’ll all start to laugh. Whenever this happens, Mr. Carro will just sit there thinking about what he has just heard, with a confused straight face.

I had most of these teachers for two years now, and it feels like I’ve only had them for a little while it also feels like I’ve had them forever. It’s a weird feeling. I want to thank all of them, for being such great teachers and educating us to graduation.

With all that said, I’ll talk about my hopes for the future. In highschool, and college, I have a few hopes. My first hope is that I’ll gain a lot more work ethic in the future. It has been a problem for me, I’ve been pretty lazy sometimes, and I need to pull myself together. My second hope, which is pretty obvious, is that I’ll do great in high school and get into a good college. My final hope is that I will get a job that I love, and live through life happily with it.

Thank you to all of the people that have been there for me in the past years, I really appreciate you. I’m still confused on how time went by so fast, but I can’t look back, I need to focus on the future. High school makes me really nervous, but I am confident that I’ll do great.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to prepare for a test

        There are a lot of ways to prepare for a test, good and bad ways. First, obviously, study. But if you really want to remember the stuff you studied, study it right before you go to bed. When you sleep, your brain develops, so if you cram in some knowledge right before it does, you remember things much better. Second, don't study all at once. Divide and conquer. Study different parts each night, then the night before the test review the whole thing. And finally, get some sleep! If you are tired the day of the test, your mind will be foggy and you may do worse. Follow these tips, and you'll do fine.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Endings and Beginnings, Future Goal

Today I will be writing about my goal for the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, which are pretty much the same thing. By the end of the school year, one goal I have is to finally prepare myself for my transition to high school-I've been pretty worried about it. I will familiarize myself with the high school. I wanted to do a summer school class this summer for advanced biology prep, which will prepare me for that class (will probably be one of the hardest) and will help me learn my way around the school. So basically, before school ends I'll will mentally prepare, then during summer I'll physically prepare. That is my only goal that I'm currently devoted to, because I'm going into all the honors classes, it's going to be a lot more work than I'm used to.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Holocaust Museum Post

        Last Thursday, my class and I went on a field trip to the Holocaust Museum. While it was kind of depressing, it was also very interesting. When we walked in, we were introduced to our guide who would be taking us around the museum. The museum was organized in a way that made it seem like you were in the Holocaust, it showed all of the parts of a Jew's life in the Holocaust in the order they undertook it. For example, some things we did were going inside a freight car and a model Ghetto. We also learned about the rise of Hitler, the altruistic citizens of the Holocaust that saved Jews, the Nazi Olympics, Kristallnacht, and much more. One of the things that we learned that most would not believe, is that the allies were oblivious to the fact that the Nazis were killing Jews in concentration camps. I learned a lot at the Holocaust Museum, and I hope others do too.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Diary Blog Post

March 12, 2015

Dear Diary,

        At 9:30 in the morning, my dad woke me up to help him do something. I didn't know what we were going to do until I got into the car. My dad needed help moving/building desks, moving/building chairs, and cleaning up his new half of his office building. At first I thought it would be easy and quick, but it turned out to take 6 hours.      

        First, we had to go rent a uHaul truck to move all the stuff from our shed where it was delivered. We rented a pretty big truck, so it only took two trips. Loading the truck took forever though, so transporting everything to the office took about 3 hours. Second, we started with the desks. I would drill in the screws and he would plug all the pieces together, then we would finish it by putting the actual desktop on top. Third, I built chairs. While my dad was throwing out all the boxes from the desks and other furniture, I was putting together chairs for the desks. I could build one about every 10 minutes, and I only had to build 6. The chairs were the quickest part. Then we finally had to clean the place, which only took 20 minutes.

        And this is a normal weekend for me.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Who Chose Love in My Life

In Daniel’s Story, Erika said the following to Daniel and Rosa:

We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”  

(from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70)

   We were assigned to talk about someone in our lives who chose love, so here it is. 
    Someone who I knew who chose love was my mom. She took care of my sister, brothers, and I. There's not one specific time when she chose love, it was our entire childhood, and will be again in the future.  She raised us great, she always payed attention to us and loved us. She always kept us happy, excited and healthy. My mom was ALWAYS there for us. This is one person in my life who chose love.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Next Leap Year

        Leap year comes every four years, and I'm going to write about myself next leap year in 2020. Leap year just came, and I'm graduating Middle School in 8th grade, so next leap year I'll be on my final year of high school and on my way to college. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but it will probably be in the fields of computer science and engineering. In four years I see myself in high classes and excited for college. In 2020, I'll be about to become an adult and ready for life. I can't wait for next new year!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Picture Story Assignment

The Dare

        Today is my first day at my new school, I'm excited and anxious. I'm in 4th grade now, so I'm really close to moving to middle school. My mom is a lot more excited than I am. She drove me up right by the school door.  It's time for me to get out.
        "Have a good day at school, Jacob!' my mom yelled. 
        "Ok, mom" I responded dreadfully. When I made my way to my classroom, I found that everyone was already there and I was late. 
        "Oh there you are!" yelled my teacher, "Class, everyone say hi to our new student, Jacob!" The class then groaned something that didn't even remotely sound like my name. 
         "Well, uh... Take a seat Jacob, any that are open!  I listened to the teacher and took a seat next to a scrawny little boy.  It was the worst decision I've made so far in my life. 
         "Hey, Jacob, hey, did you know that you're late?"
         "I'm aware"
         "Not a good way to start the year y'know"
         "Yes, I know" 
         "Being late isn't good"
         "YES I KNOW" I yelled, getting me a confused stare from my class and teacher. He kept on saying random things throughout the whole class. Then, at the end of class, he said something weird to me.
         "Hey Jacob, I dare you to stick your head through your chair" Why would he say something like that, it's not like I'd ever do it.
         "Why would I ever do that?"
         "Exactly, you're a wuss"
         "I'm not a wuss"
         "Someone who isn't a wuss would do it"
         How should I even respond to that, he will never give up on it. It only takes a class with him to figure out how he is.
         "Fine, but you do it first" I said, "Prove you're not a wuss"
         "Ok" he responded, and he stuck his head in the back of his chair with ease, then pulled it back out.
         "Your turn big guy" He taunted, and with that I went for it, my head barely fit in. I had to push really hard to get it in.
         "Now take it back out" He said, on the verge of laughter. When I pulled, my head didn't even budge.  He started laughing hysterically, and ran out of the classroom.
         "You little-" I tugged and tugged, but my head would not come loose. I sat there for around five minutes, feeling like an idiot. But then, he brought someone back, It looked like the janitor and a few other teachers, and the janitor was holding a saw.
         "Oh no" I said horrified.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Alien Fitting In

    The Alien I made and drew in science class is pretty ugly and would have a hard time fitting in if it were real. It has deformities in almost every part. No one would want to be friends with it and would avoid it. It would be impossible for it to hide all the deformities and flaws due to how many there are. They're on it's face, head, hands, feet, legs, stomach, and above it's head.  The only people who would hang out with it would be other Aliens that people drew in science. Fortunately, we all drew one.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Family Cooking Specialty

     My family food specialty is something my mom makes called Banana Bread. It's not remotely like what it sounds like. It's really good actually, it's bread that has a little taste of banana in it, and it has a lot of chocolate chips in it. When I was younger, my mom and I would make it together pretty frequently, and then  we would eat it afterwards. After the actual piece of bread is made with the chocolate chips in it, my mom pours icing all over it, then she puts some powdered sugar on it. Everyone who has tried it likes it, so this is my family cooking specialty.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hand Shake Assignment

In class yesterday, we did a quick, fun assignment. We were shaking hands with our teacher, Mrs. Joyner, and she was evaluating our handshakes with certain descriptions like: emo, royalty, gangster, etc. It was all to show us how to shake hands the right way, for an assignment we are going to do in the future. We are going to read biographies on certain people in the past, and pretend to be them trying to get a job. At the beginning of our "Interview", we have to shake hands.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

October Sky

        Recently in class, we watched a movie called "October Sky". It's about a boy who lives in a town named Coalwood, which is a very poor town, and everyone in the town works for the big coal mine. It takes place during the cold war with Russia, right when they launch the first satellite called, the "Sputnik". As the children grow up, they think that the only way they are going to college is by getting a Football Scholarship. The main character, Homer, is determined to do something otherwise. He wants to build the first American space rocket, as he was inspired by the Russian Sputnik. I personally enjoyed the movie, watching Homer and the "Rocket Boys" taking many attempts to get a model rocket to fly. That may sound very easy now, but back then it could get you very far in life. I would say more, but that would give major spoilers. I recommend watching this movie when you have time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I will do more in 2016

        In 2015, I was always doing things by myself. I would always leave the house and listen to music, play on my computer, and do homework on my own. So in 2016, I will try to spend more time with my family. My parents are growing more and more upset each week whenever I want to do my things or I have a lot of homework. My mom loves things like winter break because we have all day to be around each other and do things as a family. I personally don't like being around some of my family, but I will deal with it and spend more time with them.  That's my 2016 new year's resolution.